For much of my life I’ve been called a Renaissance Woman. I have been interested in, and passionate about, many things including: working as an RN, being a holistic health practitioner and speaker and writer in the healing arts, running a book club, teaching plant-based cooking, and organic gardening to name a few. More recently I’ve been focused upon my work as a fine artist in the areas of painting, pottery and glass art.
There have been times where I have looked at all of my ‘doings’ as possibly being disconnected from the whole, in spite of the fact that I have loved everything that I pursued. The belief that life and art are intertwined has been an unconscious mantra despite living and modeling this concept innately both personally and professionally.
During these unique circumstances we find ourselves in as we shelter in place, I have had time to reflect on the deeper meaning of life. What I now know to be true is that the way we choose to live our lives has a much broader connection to art then even the making of art.
Art is my passion, however it is more than just drawing, painting, sculpting, or crafting. It’s also about being creative in how we live our lives from day to day and about how we might create a new normal. This can add to our emotional equilibrium, equanimity, and peace of mind and creates a state of calm.
Positive psychology is, as defined by Wikipedia, “the study of the good life, or the positive aspects of the human experience that make life worth living. As an art, it focuses on both the individual and societal well-being.”
Living our lives as artists can be brought to whatever we do. Discovering the soul and spirit of our inner artist begins by setting an intention and making a decision to see the beauty all around us and then watching for opportunities to celebrate life. Learning to trust our artists’ spirit allows us to go with the flow and follow the feelings inside us.
*This article series is dedicated to those of us who would like to explore and discover how we can consciously live life on any given day with the heart of an artist.